Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My second step

I was searching for some jewellery courses and teachers in the place I live (Chennai, India) I could not find one.

Not at the level that I was looking for. In India already the market was flooded by jewellery made in China and other stone jewellery that any common person can afford.

I had a different picture but those trainings were only given abroad!
Then there was a girl who said that she teaches how to make stone jewellery. I did not want to learn that. But still I went for it because I thought something is better than nothing.

I thought that the course would last for days, and in an hour she completed it! I was like :(
I kept asking is that it?
She said yes. She just showed stringing ( which is again a term that I learnt from the internet; thanks to the Internet without which I am sure no one can survive today)of one necklace, she said its the same for bracelet, anklet, bangle and ring!

Not a single thing about the space beads, or bead caps or anything. Nothing about the gemstones.
I was again disappointed. I thought I am never going to make like the one that I have seen.

I had just learnt one technique; stringing.
But today I know that there are numerous techniques of jewellery; wiring, beading, metal smithing,enamelling and much more. The creativity rules the roost in the jewellery business.

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